8. Trial&Error My new laptop arrived ===============Before revision===============My new laptop arrived at home last night.Set up was not so complicated, I c... 2017.02.25 8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning6. やってみよう Lifestyle
6. やってみよう Lifestyle Hunting needs a lot of patience(Part1) I regretted applying to a hunting trial event.Firstly, I found that I was excited, however, I became nervous when the da... 2017.02.08 6. やってみよう Lifestyle8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective Don’t put off solving your problem. My kitchen water faucet was leaking for about 1 month. Firstly I wanted to repair it by myself, so I searched to how on ... 2017.01.31 8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective7. 学び Learning
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective 17/01/28(土)勉強会まで12日 自転車で通勤しながら、話す練習をしてみたもんざです。私は運動不足解消&筋トレのために、自宅から離れた駅の自転車用駐輪場を半年契約で借りています。片道約3キロ、自転車で約18分で、新荒川大橋という橋を越えるため、アップダウンもあり、一生懸命こ... 2017.01.28 8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective9. 読書会(勉強会)カウントダウンコラム
7. 学び Learning Challenge to hunting for the beginner Next Saturday I will go hunting aimed for beginners. I read this article and it inspired me. I searched a hunting trial ... 2017.01.22 7. 学び Learning6. やってみよう Lifestyle
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective “Zoom” is a little bit inconvenient. "Zoom" system is like "Skype". It was my first trial last night because my friend wanted to validate that system. There ... 2017.01.16 8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning
6. やってみよう Lifestyle 創作能をなぜ見に行ったのか 新しく物語を作るのは面白くて厳しい試みなのだろうなと思うもんざです。初めて能舞台を1本通してリアルで見ました。古典ではなく創作能でしたが、色々と考えるところがあり、近いうちに今度は古典も見たいなと考えています。私が能に興味を持ったきっかけは... 2017.01.14 6. やってみよう Lifestyle8.1. ふとした気づき8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error
8. Trial&Error Who is the cat if you are a mouse? When the cat’s away the mice will play. Who is the cat if you are a mouse? What do you do when the cat’s away? It's an i... 2017.01.09 8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning
8. Trial&Error Bath powders need for my life. If I notice my hand and foot fingers are always chilly, I realize it begins real winter season in Japan. Therefore I don... 2017.01.04 8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning
食 Eating Habit I helped to order dishes for Spanish travelers. My favorite restaurant is near my office. They serve affordable fried pork “Tonkatsu” and rice and free soup. It was 14:... 2016.12.16 食 Eating Habit8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning