読書感想 6/26(月)に借りた本【7/10(月)返却予定】 一冊読み始めると、その本を中心にして、どんどん読みたい本が増えていく。その本を読みながら、「あ、これも読んでみたい!」と思ったら、すぐに図書館日和というアプリを使って、日常的に利用している2ヶ所の図書館の蔵書が検索する習慣ができている。これ... 2017.06.26 読書感想8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error
8. Trial&Error Is my bottom value in action “LOVE”? I got a survey of "Values in Action Inventory of Strength". The reason is that it's one of the assignments of our study ... 2017.06.26 8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning6. やってみよう Lifestyle8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective
8.1. ふとした気づき 何が怖いのか分かった 友人から、とても良い機会がいただけて、本当にうれしい。先日、日本社会における男女の労働格差や差別といったテーマで議論をしたことがありました。その時に、私が発言した内容について彼女がFacebookメッセンジャーで建設的な意見をくれたんですね... 2017.06.24 8.1. ふとした気づき8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error
読書感想 I couldn’t believe that conclusion I felt as if my heart was sheared from my body when he died of a landmine in the end. It caught me by surprise because I... 2017.06.22 読書感想8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning
8. Trial&Error Mimic monkey, please? The small bookstore was narrow, but the depth of a room was deep. The wall was made of a natural wood board, of which I ... 2017.06.20 8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective I’m not real traveler and an epicure. I visited Kyoto with my new friend to attend an event which was held in a small bookstore yesterday. I solicited her to ... 2017.06.18 8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective7. 学び Learning
読書感想 What is the Essence of Marketing? I had read "How to learn about Marketing" by Junzo Ishii, the illustrious authority of marketing and management. He wrot... 2017.06.15 読書感想8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning
7. 学び Learning How important of credibility and fairness I had read 2 interesting articles. Both are related to harassment in the workplace. Susan J. Fowler used to work at Uber... 2017.06.13 7. 学び Learning
8.1. ふとした気づき Jogging for only 15 minutes? “Is it true?” I said as I waylaid my friend who was talking about her daily habit of running. My monthly goal is to run ... 2017.06.12 8.1. ふとした気づき8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning