6. やってみよう Lifestyle It Reminded Me of Lost A decade ago, I was addicted to three TV drama series. They were “House M.D.”, “Lost”, “America’s Next Top Model”. They ... 2017.12.28 6. やってみよう Lifestyle7. 学び Learning8. Trial&Error8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective The iPad doesn’t have the Spotify+ Genius function One of my friends taught me an interesting function related Spotify. It’s called “Genius”. Spotify always shows lyrics b... 2017.12.24 6. やってみよう Lifestyle7. 学び Learning8. Trial&Error8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective
6. やってみよう Lifestyle Dishes and literature in Russian In November 1880, Dostoevsky accomplished one of his masterpieces. He wanted to write another story continuing the story... 2017.11.26 6. やってみよう Lifestyle7. 学び Learning8. Trial&Error食 Eating Habit
6. やってみよう Lifestyle 07.Why Couldn’t Anybody Save Her?10.11.2017 Self-esteem or self-confidence is important if we are not to be overwhelmed in the real world.Ester Gould is a documenta... 2017.10.11 6. やってみよう Lifestyle7. 学び Learning8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective
7. 学び Learning I’ll try Chinese herbal medicine. Prevention and primary care are most important, everybody knows that.Even if we know it, doing so is totally different. ... 2017.08.15 6. やってみよう Lifestyle7. 学び Learning8. Trial&Error8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective
8. Trial&Error 知識を更新して湿潤療法に挑戦 17/08/02(水) 読書会まで残り8日です。痛くても痒くても集中力って削がれるよなぁと困っているもんざです。先々週の金曜に自転車で転倒して右腕を広範囲に擦りむいたんですが、でも、湿潤療法(モイストヒーリング)で手当をしていたら、びっくり... 2017.08.02 2. 益 Useful6. やってみよう Lifestyle6. 驚 Surprise8. Trial&Error8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective9. 読書会(勉強会)カウントダウンコラム
6. やってみよう Lifestyle Beyond my expectation (Part1) I attended an event which was TED x Utokyo in 16th July 2017. Here are my memorandums.Actually, I don't watch TED on You... 2017.07.17 6. やってみよう Lifestyle7. 学び Learning8. Trial&Error8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective
6. やってみよう Lifestyle This event is by invitation only and I’m curious if it is truly worth it. My friend told me that an interesting event will be held next Sunday. It’s called TED x uTokyo. TED is a famous presenta... 2017.07.11 6. やってみよう Lifestyle7. 学び Learning8. Trial&Error
8. Trial&Error Is my bottom value in action “LOVE”? I got a survey of "Values in Action Inventory of Strength". The reason is that it's one of the assignments of our study ... 2017.06.26 6. やってみよう Lifestyle7. 学び Learning8. Trial&Error8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective
6. やってみよう Lifestyle Am I noise paranoid? There’s so much noise around me and it irritates me. At night, my fridge makes a low humming sound. That low vibration g... 2017.06.06 6. やってみよう Lifestyle7. 学び Learning8. Trial&Error