7. 学び Learning

6. やってみよう Lifestyle

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.

Daily routines are an important thing for me. Working, doing house chores, exercising, reading, writing something, etc… ...
8.1. ふとした気づき

Twisted Transistor

I don’t know the reason but I always want to listen to the same song after work these days.Maybe my tiredness (1-3)calls...
8. Trial&Error

To Try Raising Productivity, But in What Way?

Many Japanese working people are afraid of (2)burning themselves out, especially in Tokyo. If You ride a commuter train ...
8. Trial&Error

The Training Which I Don’t Need to Compare Myself to Others

I attended the capoeira training class for the first time in 8 months. It brought muscle pain in my back and blood blist...
8. Trial&Error

High or Low Self-Assessment

I found an interesting article that talked about how some people with low abilities tend to inflate own self-assessments...

Can Nobody Predict the Future?

Can nobody predict future? I thought that was true until I read the sci-fi novel “The Door into Summer” by Robert Heinle...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

Ursula K. Le Guin Passed Away on January 22nd

One of my favorite authors, Ursula K. Le Guin passed away on 22nd January. Her dystopian short novel, “The ones who walk...
8. Trial&Error

How Much Water Do I Need to Drink in a Day?

I sent the following link to my parents because it talks about an effective way of recovery of dementia.◎Dementia will R...

Is Sacrifice Inevitable?

There is a famous Buddhist story. Before Buddha was born, he saw hungry a tigress. It was starving, so it almost tried t...
7. 学び Learning

読書会の質問(never let me go)

Questions and Topics for Discussion / Never let me goディスカッションのための質問と話題 / 「わたしを離さないで」 カズオ・イシグロsparknotes用語理解にかかった時間Kathy ...