ふりかえりLearning Language

Weekly Progress Report 1/15Tue-1/25Fri ★★★★


On 15th to 25th January, I achieved those things under the below.

  • Wrote 5 Essays based on homework vocabulary

She Paraphrased… https://monza-study.com/archives/5987
I Cannot Help Them https://monza-study.com/archives/6003
Combination Massage https://monza-study.com/archives/6012
An Unforgettable Situation While Reading A Classic https://monza-study.com/archives/6023
Kapetera Cafe https://monza-study.com/archives/6030

  • Took English conversation class on the website every day
  • Bought 2 English Books and started to read them

I decided to upload my weekly progress report on my blog because I hesitate and forget to do it every Monday. Thus I’ll do it every Saturday or Sunday from now.
(Until I decide this decision, I had been sending the report Email to myself)
