8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

The Sea and Poison

8. Trial&Error

“The Sea and Poison” is a novel written in 1958 by Shusaku Endo who is one of Japan’s famous authors. It’s theme is about human ethics: To either hopelessly face death or assume to have power over another person’s life or death. It’s not a story of (4)kicking the bucket because the protagonists are doctors and nurses who engaged in illegal biological experiments during the war.
It is based on the actual crime of biopsies done on foreign POWs at the university hospital of Kyushu in 1945. The incident happened during the War. One of the doctors extremely regretted that he didn’t decline attending the operation. He attended but didn’t help during the experiment because he suddenly realized that it couldn’t be ruled out as being immoral. Before the experiment, another doctor tried to allay his doubts that what they were doing was an inhuman act. The senior doctor persuaded him, “The experiment is meaningful because it will help improve the medical field. One foreign POW’s death will save the lives of 100 other patients.” He accepted because he felt lethargic and hopeless in the situation during the war. However, he couldn’t (1)rub out the awful experience from his brain, even after the war. I’m always (3)running around in my daily life so I don’t usually get to think about this kind of classical moral dilemma until I read this kind of story. I couldn’t empathize with the protagonists but I’m now trying to understand the tough situation and the dark side of humanity after reading this book.

Bbefore The Revision

Title: The Sea and Poison
“The Sea and Poison” is a novel was written by Syusaku Endo who was one of famous Japanese author in 1958. It themed human ethics: Faced on death hopelessly or if you have the power to control other person’s life and death. It’s not the story of (4)kick the bucket actually, because the protagonists are doctors and nurses who did Biological Experiment illegally under the war.
It created based on the actual crime of biopsy used foreign POWs at the college hospital of Kyusyu in 1945. The incident happened during the War. One of the doctors extremely regretted that he didn’t reject to attend the operation. He attended but he didn’t help the experiment because he suddenly realizes it’s not allowed. Before the experiment, other doctor tried to (2)rule out his doubt which is an inhuman act. The senior doctor persuaded him, “The experiment is meaningful because it will help the improvement of medical. One foreign POW’s die will help recover 100 patients lives.” He accepted because he felt lethargic and hopeless in the situation during the war. but the awful experience couldn’t (1)rub out from his brain anymore even after the war. I always (3)running around my daily life, thus I didn’t think this kind of classical moral problem until I read this kind of story. I couldn’t empathy those protagonists but I now trying to understand the tough situation and the dark side of human after reading this book.

(1) rub out: Erase.
(e.g ) Write it in pencil so that you can rub it out later if you want to change it.
(2) rule out: Eliminate.
(e.g ) “The police are still investigating but they have ruled out political motives.”
(3) run about/around: Be busy doing many different things.
(e.g ) “Julie has been running about/around all week getting ready for the wedding.”
(4) kick the bucket: To kick the bucket is a lighthearted way of talking about death.
(e.g ) He will inherit when his grandfather kicks the bucket!

In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.

The Sea and Poison by Shūsaku Endō https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/169446.The_Sea_and_Poison @goodreads
