8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

Adaptability and Teamwork

8. Trial&Error

The Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) recruits medical and non-medical field staff to work on their projects. I found some information on their recruitment and attended MSF’s seminar on job hunting last Saturday afternoon. It took almost 3 hours but I enjoyed listening to 5 members’ experience and missions. One of the panelists was a surgeon. He shared his motivation and how he continues his regular work and his MSF job. The other panelist was an administrator. She said that the role of an administrator is like being the mother of the team. “Other members often (1)rely on the admin, because the team functions similarly to a family,” she said and laughed. When they joined the first mission, they were surprised because the equipment was (2)rigged out beyond their imagination. I asked if they had some interesting topics but they said it can’t be allowed openly in the web. One of the members told me about an incident. The project had started a new term and he prepared every budget and shared it to the other member. He rang the manager but the manager (3)rang him back and said that he needed to cut the budget by almost half. He was so disappointed and gave up and felt as if (4)the bubble had burst. However, he was relieved because the other members smoothly adjusted to the change in the situation. Their job requires high adaptability and teamwork.

Before the Revision

Title: Adaptability and Teamwork
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) recruits medical and non-medical field stuff to work on their project. I found the information on recruitment, I attended MSF’s seminar on job hunting last Saturday afternoon. It took almost 3 hours, I enjoyed listening to 5 members’ experience and Mission. One of the panelists was a surgeon. He shared his motivation and how to continue regular work and MSF’s job. The other panelist was an administrator. She said that the role of an administrator like as a mother in the team. “Other members often (1)rely on admin, because the team will become similar family,” she said and laugh. When they joined the first mission, they were surprised because the equipment was (2)rigged out beyond their imagination. I asked them I’d like to know that if they have some interesting topic but it can’t allow on the web openly. One of the members told me about an incident. The project had started a new term, he prepared every budget and share the member. He rang that to the manager. but the manager (3)rang back him, “it needs to decline the budget by almost half” He was so disappointed and gave up, felt (4)the bubble has burst. However, he was relieved because other members smoothly adjusted the change of situation. Their job requires high adaptability and teamwork.

(1) rely on: Count on; depend on; trust
(e.g) “Don’t worry. You can rely on me. I can keep a secret.”
(2) rig out (verb): Dress or equip.
(e.g) “The old lady arrived all rigged out in her best clothes.”
(3) ring back (also: call back): Return a phone call.
(e.g) “John rang this morning and asked if you could ring him back.”
(4) the bubble has burst: To say that the bubble has burst means that the success of an idea, a product or a situation has suddenly stopped.
(e.g) The video game was a phenomenal success but the bubble has burst.

In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
