ふりかえりTrial&ErrorLearning Language

The Things I Talked About with My Sister


I have a sister who is 5 years younger than me. She lives in Toyama which is my hometown. Since I don’t live there anymore and it is approximately 430km by car from where I live, we meet once or twice a year when I visit my parents. However, she sometimes comes to Tokyo in relation to her volunteer work. Such was the occasion when we met last Thursday in Tokyo.
We enjoyed some small talk and drank refreshing beer at a bar with a good ambiance. At first, I asked her why she looked so exhausted. She answered, “I just (2)cleaved my way through a crowd in Shibuya.” That makes sense.
She is a housewife with 2 sons, but these days, she does volunteer work for the PTA. She said, “I enjoy the (4)balancing act between my family and volunteer work.” I was glad to hear that. Because I’ve heard that many housewives (1)cling their children for too long that the children get spoiled. Monster parents as they are called in Japan, is a new phenomenon. It shows some troublemaker parents who don’t understand common sense. For instance, even if their children have committed some mistakes and problems, the parents want to (3)chide the teacher or other children into apologizing. Common sense is to the subconscious what consideration is to daily life. If we met someone who has a different sense, we start realizing the difference of common sense. We talked about things like that.

Before the revised

Title: The things which I talked with my sister.

I have a sister who is 5 years younger than me. She lives in Toyama which is my hometown. Now I live far from there, the distance is approximately 430km from here by car, we meet once or twice a year when I visit my parents home. However, she sometimes comes to Tokyo related her volunteer’s job. It was the one of the kinds opportunity we met last Thursday in Tokyo.
We enjoyed chitchat and drank tasty beer at ambiance bar. Firstly, I asked her why she looks so exhausted. she answered, “I (2)cleaved my way through a crowd in Shibuya.” That makes sense.
She is a housewife who has 2 sons, but these days, she doing volunteers on an association of parents and teachers, called PTA. She said, “I enjoying good perform (4)a balancing act between volunteer and family.” I was glad to hear that. Because I’ve heard that many housewives (1)cling their children too long and spoiled. Monster parent is new Japanese. It shows some troublemaker parents who don’t understand common sense. For instance, Even if their children have some mistakes and problems, the parents want to (3)chide teacher or other children into apologizing. Common sense is to subconscious what daily life is to no consideration. If we met someone who has different sense, we start realizing the difference of common sense. We talked about like that.

homework: (1)cling, (2)cleave, (3)chide
expression: (4)balancing act
When you try to satisfy two or more people or groups who have different needs, and keep everyone happy, you perform a balancing act.
Many people, especially women, have to perform a balancing act between work and family.
