やってみようLearning Language

One of my best books I own— “Connected”


Now I have been attending the Katsuma Private School since 2011.
Ms. Katsuma is a famous woman economist in Japan.
This school’s main purpose is to nourish for business people who want to deeply consider economics, politics, life, and culture on their own.

There are about 1,000 members and I’ve heard that the number of females and males are almost same.

Ms.Katsuma appears unassuming however she huge knowledgeable and intelligent and her presentation skills are amazing.
She has been divorced twice and she has raised 3 children on her own but as far as I know these facts were never a disadvantage to her.

I respect her and my life is more comfortable than before because I have learned from her.

I attend Ms. Katsuma’s regular seminars once a month.
It’s possible to chose wether to attend physically or attend on line.

Next month’s theme is “social network”.
The regular seminar day is 20th May on friday.

The work book is here:

つながり 社会的ネットワークの驚くべき力
ニコラス・A・クリスタキス (著), ジェイムズ・H・ファウラー (著), 鬼澤 忍 (翻訳)

Actually, I have read this book 5years ago.
Because I had the same book as homework.
At that time I fell in love with this book.
So, I will try to read the original book in English book.

Connected: The Amazing Power of Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives Kindle版
Nicholas Christakis (著), James Fowler (著)

and homework is 
Think and write that you got some fortune from acquaintance.

and My study group’s meeting is 12th May on thursday.
So I have to prepare to invite my club’s member.
