8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

How Should We Ward Off Fascism?


I attended a seminar where my favorite author, Sato Masaru told participants about the symptoms of Nazi fascism and fascism in general last 3-4 November.
He was a diplomat, but was indicted on charges of aggravated breach of trust causing huge losses to the nation in 2002. It was a political trap but the charges were dropped due to the fraudulent obstruction of the nation, but not until he spent 512 days in prison.
I became a big fan of him after I read his books. Now he is one of the giants of wisdom in Japan.

Actually, I hesitated to apply for seminar at first, because it sounded like a difficult topic for me. However, when I attended the same author’s seminar in July, I completely enjoyed his high intelligence and teaching skill. For me, that experience (2)vouched for the new seminar’s quality. Thus, I didn’t need to (4)calculate the risk of possibility that I won’t be satisfied.

There were 4 assignment books of the seminar, “Mein Kampf” by Adolf Hitler, “Cinque Scritti Morali” by Umberto Eco, “The realism of Fascism”, ”The Ghost of a National Communist; the critical thoughts of Takabatake Motoyuki ” by Sato Masaru. This seminar’s aim is learning how we should (3)ward off fascism. The society of Capitalism has been stacking, people who feel inequality and urge them to find a solution to their difficult and helpless situation. This kind of situation may incubate egoistical theory similar to Nazi fascism in the society, Mr.Sato worriedly mentioned

In 2016, a mass murder incident happened in Japan. The perpetrator killed 16 people because he thought handicapped people are meaningless. He firmly believed in the concept of eugenics, and he hasn’t changed his opinion up to now. Most people (4)veer away from Hitler’s book ”Mein Kampf” which published in 1925-1926 because it was considered taboo. But if people read and try to understand his crazy mind, we can veer away from the same tragedy.

Before the Revision

Title: How should we ward off fascism?

I attended the seminar which my favorite author; Mr.Sato Masaru prescribed participants about the symptom of Nazi fascism and fascism at 3-4th November.
He was a diplomat, but He was indicted on a charge of aggravated breach of trust causing huge losses to the nation in 2002. It was a trap of politic, but he was disqualified from charges of fraudulent obstruction of the nation, the crime punished him by 512 days in prison.
I became a big fan of him after I read his books. Now He is one of the giants of wisdom in Japan.

There were 4 assignment books of the seminar, “Mein Kamph” by Adolf Hitler, “Cinque Scritti Morali” by Umberto Eco, others are “The realism of Fascism”, ”The Ghost of a National Communist; the critical thought of Takabatake Motoyuki ” by Sato Masaru. This seminar’s aim is learning how should we (3)ward off fascism. The society of Capitalism has been stacking, people who feel inequality urge the solution of their difficult and helpless situation.

Actually, I was hesitated to apply the seminar at first, because it sounds a difficult topic for me. However, when I attended the same author’s seminar in July, I completely enjoyed his high intelligence and teaching skill at that time. The experience (2)vouched for the new seminar’s quality for me. Thus, I didn’t (4)calculate the risk of possibility that I don’t satisfy that contents.

This seminar’s aim is learning how we ward off fascism. The Japanese society of Capitalism has been shrinking, people who feel inequality urge the solution of their difficult and helpless situation. This kind of situation may incubate egoistical theory as Nazi fascism in the society, Mr.Sato mentioned and worried.

In 2016, Mass murder incident happened in Japan. He killed 16 people because he thought handicapped people is meaningless. The criminal has the concept of eugenics, he doesn’t change his opinion still now. Most people (4)veer away from Hitler’s book ”Mein Kamph” published in 1925-1926. Because it was a taboo. But if people read and try to understand the crazy mind, It can veer away same tragedy.

(1) veer away from: Avoid, stay away from.
(e.g) “I veer away from hypochondriacs if I can.”
(2) vouch for: Express confidence in, or guarantee something.
(e.g) “You can give the keys to Andy. I can vouch for him. ”
(3) ward off: Keep away or repel (something dangerous or unpleasant).
(e.g) “I take plenty of vitamin C in winter to ward off colds.”
(4) calculated risk: A calculated risk is a risk taken with full knowledge of the dangers involved.
(e.g) “The company took a calculated risk when they hired Sean straight out of college.”

In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
