8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

What Do I Want Out of a Movie?


I had to consume my remaining days off until the end of May. I am entitled to 13 days + 40 hours of paid vacation in a year and it resets every June 1st. I can carry over unused paid holidays to the next year, but my company (5)frowns upon it. So, I used up 3 hours of my time off last Monday evening. There is a classic movie theatre near my office that screens not-so popular movies. (Unlike common movies that are purely for entertainment.) I always thought they provide many important and valuable movies that feel like documentaries. Right now, they’re showing “The young Karl Marx” until May 15th at the Iwanami Hall in Tokyo.
I actually don’t often watch movies because almost all movies often disappointed me. Finding satisfaction in a movie for me is like getting (4)blood from a stone. What do I want to (1-3)get out of a movie? I don’t want to just be entertained. When I watch some popular movies, the protagonists (2)get over some big predicament. It can be exciting and (3)gets rid of my stress just for a moment. However, that’s not enough for me. Maybe I’m greedy about time and efficiency. “The young Karl Marx” provided me historical information. I didn’t know that the famous book “Capital: Critique of Political Economy” was not completed. I appreciate the movie because now I have more interest in Marx’s works than before. I like something that expands my knowledge and broadens my perspective, even if it includes tragic facts.

Before the Revision

Title: What am I hoping to get out of a movie?
I had to consume my day off until the end of May. Because I am provided with 13 days + 40 hours of paid vacation in a year from the company every First day June. I can carry over unused paid holidays to the next year, but my company (5)frown on carrying over hours’ paid vacation. Thus I used up 3 hours time off on Monday evening. There is a classic movie theatre near my office, their selection is special. They always selected not so much popular movie. (It’s not entertainment movie.) I thought they always provide many important and valuable movies like as documentary. Now they provide “The young Karl Marx” until May 15th on Iwanami hall in Tokyo.
I actually don’t often watch a movie because almost movie often disappointed me. Finding my taste in the movie is like getting (4)blood from a stone. What am I hoping to (1-3)get out of a movie? I don’t want to entertainment from a movie. When I watched some of the popular movies, the protagonists (2)get over some big trouble. It brought me excitement and (3)got rid of my stress just for a moment. However, that’s not enough for me. Maybe I’m greedy about time and efficiency. “The young Karl Marx” gave me historical information. I didn’t know that famous book “Capital: Critique of Political Economy” was not completed. I appreciate the movie because now I have more interest in his works than before watching it. I like something that gives new knowledge and wildly spread viewpoint, even if it includes tragedical facts.

(1)get out of:
(1-1)Leave a place.
(e.g.) “The window was closed. How did he get out of the house?”
(1-2)Avoid doing something.
(e.g.) “Some husbands manage to get out of doing any housework.”
(1-3)Receive; learn; gain from something.
(e.g.) “What are you hoping to get out of the seminar?”
(2)get over: Recover from (illness, disappointment).
(e.g.) “Charlie had the ‘flu but he got over it.”
(3)get rid of: Eliminate.
(e.g.) “It’s difficult to get rid of old habits.”
(4)blood out of a stone: This expression refers to something that is very difficult to obtain.
(e.g.) Negotiating a reduction from that company is like getting blood from a stone!
(5) frown on/upon: Disapprove.
(e.g.)”My parents always frowned on smoking.”

“The young Karl Marx”
In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
