ふりかえりTrial&ErrorLearning Languageふとした気づき

Why do you travel?


I talked with my friend last Thursday and asked him if he is to recommend foreign country for a travel, which country is the best to visit? He recommended India. So I asked him “Why do you like it?” “Because I got many interesting experiences when I visited India the end of last year. I made good friends at that time. ” He tried to present how India is a worthy place to visit. However, we didn’t finish talking about this topic because at that time I was attending my study group’s meeting. After the meeting, we all talked about that topic.

I realized at that moment, there are 2 kinds of people who want to travel abroad. The one wants to relax and refresh. The another one wants excitement or adventure. He is the latter one. At that meeting, the attendees were 12 people, including me. When he finished speaking, I asked all the members. “Well, he recommended visiting India. Could you raise your hand if you are interested in going to India?”

Guess how many people raised their hand? There were only 2. I raised my hand because I know that a CAPOEIRA event is regularly held in India. However, one of the members who visited India last year for his business didn’t raise his hand. But he supported my friend’s idea that Taj Mahal is worthy to visit. Another person who raised his hand is a Rock Festival lover. His most favorite artist is “Grateful Dead” and he often goes to the USA to see their concerts. There were 5 women who attended that meeting, but the only female who raised her hand was me.

Revised version1
title: Why are you traveling?

I talked with my friend last Thursday. If you could recommend a foreign country to visit, which one would it be? He recommended India. So I asked him “Why do you like it?”“Because I got many interesting experiences when I visited at the end of last year.I made good friends at that time. ” He tried to present how India is worthy to visit. However, it was not successful in that meeting.(At that time we were in a study group meeting, and we usually talked freely at the end.)

I realized at that moment that there are 2 kinds of people who travel abroad. There are 2 kinds of people want to go to travel abroad. One kind wants to be relaxed and refreshed.The other one wants more excitement or takes on new challenges. He’s the latter kind of person. At the meeting, there were 12 attendees, myself included. When he finished speaking, I asked all members,”Well, he recommended visiting India. Could you raise your hand if you want to go to India?”

Guess how many people raised their hands? Only 2 people did. I raised my hand because I knew that a Capoeira event was regularly held in India. However, one of the members who visited India last year for business, (he didn’t raise his hand.) supported my friend that the Taj Mahal is worth a visit. One other person who raised his hand was a Rock Festival lover. His most favorite artist are the “Grateful Dead”, and he often goes to the USA. There were 5 women in that meeting, but I was the only one who raised her hand.

I thought his presentation was not so good. He said India was not so
clean compared to Japan. So, the other women thought they didn’t want to go there. Japan is one of the cleanest and most peaceful countries in the world. But I didn’t notice that fact before I went abroad. Since it’s an ordinary thing in Japan, people don’t have any doubts about it.

Anyway, I realized why I didn’t want to travel with my friends. The reason is I don’t feel satisfied if the travel’s main purpose is to relax and refresh. What’s your purpose for traveling? Where do you want to go?

Before revised version
title: What’s the main purpose of your travel?

I talked with my friend last Thursday. If you recommend foreign country for travel, which country is the best to visit? He recommended India. So I asked him “Why do you like that country? ” “Because I got many interesting experiences when I visited end of last year. I made good friends at that time. ” He tried to present how India is worthy to visit. However, it was not successful in that meeting. (At that time I attended my study groups meeting, all over after ending, we talked about freely. )

I noticed at that moment. There are 2 kinds of people want to go to travel abroad. The one is want to be relaxing and refreshing. The another one is want to be more excitement, or achieve to solve problems. He is the last type’s person. At that meeting, the attendees were 12 people, included me. When he finished talking, I asked all member. “Well, he recommended visiting India. Could you raise your hand if you want to go to India?”

Guess you how many people raised the hand? It was only 2 members. I raised my hand because I’ve known that a CAPOEIRA event regularly held in India. However, one of the members who visited India last year for his business, (he didn’t raise his hand.) supported my friend that Taj Mahal is worthy to visit. One other person who raised hand is a Rock Festival lovers. His most favorite artist is “Grateful Dead”, he often goes to the USA. There were 5 women attended that meeting, but Raising hand lady was me only.

I thought his presentation is not so good. He said India was not so clean compared to Japan. So, other women think about don’t want to go there. Japan is one of the clean and peaceful countries in the world. But I didn’t notice that fact before I went abroad. Because it’s ordinary thing in Japan. People don’t have any doubt that fact.

Anyway, I realized why I didn’t want to go travel with my friends. The reason why, I can’t satisfy if the travel’s main purpose is to do relaxing and refreshing. How about you? Do you like to travel? What’s the main purpose your travel? Where do you want to go? (373 words)
